How to memorize vocabulary in Spanish effectively?
Association is the most effective vocabulary memorization strategy when you are learning Spanish.
Association is the most effective vocabulary memorization strategy when you are learning Spanish.
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? -Bien, ¿y tú? Hello, How’s things? -Fine, and you? ¿Cómo te llamas? -Me llamo Georgina / -Soy Georgina What’s your name? ¿De
It’s good to know… 💡When you are learning a new language, you will find some words that are written in a similar way but have
Concretando. Identifica cuáles de estos adverbios sirven para señalar algo evidente y cuáles para concretar.
Relaciona los verbos con sus opuestos.
Say whether the following are usually given (se dejan) or lent (se dan):
Hacer reproches Para hacer un reproche usamos el condicional + el participio perfecto.
Relaciona estas frases hechas con su significado
El mar Match up these words connected with the sea with their definition:
If the adjective of nationality ends in -o, to make the fememine we change the o into a. If it ends in a consonant, we
Today we are going to teach you how to prepare some delicious Green Balls, a typical dish of the Ecuadorian coast based on bananas; but
Frutas y verduras (froo-tahs ee ver-doo-rahs)
Los medios de comunicación. Say whether we’re talking about newspapers or the radio (los periódicos o la radio):
Motives and reasons are usually expressed using por + noun, porque + a conjugated verb, and para + infinitive.
Relaciones personales. In Spanish, to say sorry we say perdona, to pay a compliment estás estupendo/a, and to express surprise no me lo puedo creer.
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