Useful Spanish phrases to use at the airport
Useful Spanish phrases to use at the airport ¿Dónde está la parada de taxis? Where is the taxi stop?
Useful Spanish phrases to use at the airport ¿Dónde está la parada de taxis? Where is the taxi stop?
By Georgina Palencia. Leer en español. Hello dear Spanish students, In this article, I want to systematize a little, just a little, the uses
Por: Georgina Palencia. Read in english. Hola queridos y queridas estudiantes de español. En este artículo quiero sistematizar un poco, sólo un poco, los
Talking about Health Services. Match up the types of doctor with the corresponding words:
In these sentences you are using the verbs: hacer viajar salir visitar and ir
¿Qué hubiera pasado si…? Completa estas frases con las palabras a continuación:
What color are these objects? Choose from negro amarillos rojos verdes azul
When you learn a word, never miss the opportunity to learn another one, whether it’s from the same family or its opposite.
Music and lyrics to learn Spanish with rhythm. Ojalá que llueva café en el campoQue caiga un aguacero de yuca y téDel cielo una
Read, read, and read everything you see around you that is written in Spanish.
One of the preferred functions of the subjunctive is to express good wishes.
This is definitely very useful vocabulary. The world of technology is truly our world today.
Reflexive verbs in Spanish are truly curious and interesting.
When it comes to parks, an excellent practice to learn Spanish is to constantly name everything you see around you.
The cinema is highly recommended in our Spanish classes, but before watching movies in Spanish,
We look forward to incorporating American people into the Hispanic community through our style.
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