Talking about motives
Motives and reasons are usually expressed using por + noun, porque + a conjugated verb, and para + infinitive.
Motives and reasons are usually expressed using por + noun, porque + a conjugated verb, and para + infinitive.
Normally, in Spanish, when addressing someone in a formal context the 3rd person singular and plural of the verb are used. Check whether these sentences
Music and lyrics to learn Spanish with rhythm… En mi conuquito las flores de los campos adornan su belleza y brilla su esplendor.
In the United States there are a wide variety of Latino restaurants and many of their hosts and servers speak English. But, a good idea
Completa las frases con estos verbos usándolos en el tiempo y persona correctos: Contemplar / Enterarse / Iniciar / Mantenerse / Examinar
Leer en Español.🎄 Hello to all Spanish enthusiasts! I’m Professor Georgina from the Spanish Perfecto School, and I’m delighted to share with you a fun
Read in english. 🎄 ¡Hola a todos los apasionados del español! Soy la profesora Georgina de la Escuela Spanish Perfecto, y estoy encantada de compartir
Hoy escuchamos El árbol más grande del mundo, de Federico Andahazi.
What color are these objects? Choose from negro, amarillos, rojos, verdes, azul. Los plátanos son ______________________. Bananas are yellow.
Whenever we are asked what else we can do to speed up the process of learning Spanish we say:
Read in english. El proceso de adquirir competencia en el idioma español es un viaje complejo que implica diversos factores.
Leer en español. Embarking on the journey to learn a new language is an endeavor filled with both excitement and challenges.
There are topics that are not of such common interest in Spanish classes, but for a school like ours,
The subjunctive: forms and uses DOWNLOAD
When it comes to food vocabulary, the list seems to be endless.
We look forward to incorporating American people into the Hispanic community through our style.
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