When is ACCUSING, PROMISING, or PROPOSING used in Spanish?
Some verbs are widely used in similar contexts, but could cause confusion when expressing your particular ideas.
Some verbs are widely used in similar contexts, but could cause confusion when expressing your particular ideas.
Coffee, in many cultures, is the heart of social and work gatherings. It is a particular culture in each country.
One of the skills necessary to expand the vocabulary and use it grammatically correct is to derive words from one category to another.
There is no value in learning a language without knowing the personal and cultural characteristics of the communities that speak it.
…and who painted them?
Learn vocabulary and collocations with it by grouping objects and their associated activities. Then you can practice making complete sentences making sense.
The slang exercises are even great for native speakers. Many times among natives we cannot understand the meaning of a conversation, much less a joke,
Those who learn a language do so not because they want to keep it in their collection of knowledge, but rather to communicate with people
We will not get tired of providing exercises that reinforce the most used verb in all the languages of the world. In Spanish, especially could
There are languages that give more value than others to formal and informal records. That is why there are languages that have a resource for
It is true that you can know only one way to express an idea, a single word to say something. However, more than one way
Moods in Spanish have many ways of expressing themselves. Not only in adjectives, as it is the first thing that comes to mind when talking
We call families of words those that are part of a root and that have been created by derivation processes, for example: casa, casita, casero,
We look forward to incorporating American people into the Hispanic community through our style.
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