Dinah Bromberg. Researcher on inclusion of people with disabilities
In this listening comprehension practice, for intermediate and advanced students, we chat with Dinah Bromberg, an architect, teacher and researcher on inclusion of people with
In this listening comprehension practice, for intermediate and advanced students, we chat with Dinah Bromberg, an architect, teacher and researcher on inclusion of people with
Podcast de Prácticas de Compresión OralNivel Intermedio y Nivel Avanzado. Hoy escuchamos: La odiante, monólogo que forma parte de Crónicas Desquiciadas, de Indira Páez, escritora venezolana.
Un perfil para un trabajo. Con los datos que te damos imagina qué puesto de trabajo solicita Juan:
We chatted with Nathalie Morillo about how to organize vacations for this 2021 summer. She is a journalist and tourism consultant.Nathalie recommends making local trips
Bibiana Sucre is a biologist, nature conservation manager and Executive Director of Provita. In this meeting we talk about the environmental health of the planet
All the feminists I know have one thing in common: they build on their temple. To celebrate International Women’s Day, we do our listening practice
We present our second interview for listening practices for INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED SPANISH LEARNERS. Increase your understanding of Spanish by listening to this conversation with
¿Sabías que las prácticas auditivas aumentan tu compresión del Español?That’s right, and in #PresentePerfecto we are going to give you oral comprehension practices for INTERMEDIATE
We look forward to incorporating American people into the Hispanic community through our style.
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