Learn Spanish through words derivation

Sustantivos terminados en -era y -idad / Nouns ending in -era and -idad

Word derivation is one of the most productive ways to build vocabulary and to adjust a word to the form that the sentence structure requires.

If we have the word happy, which is an adjective, but we need the concept, that is, the noun; we derive the word happiness. We insist on deriving words in class because it becomes a learning and useful skill, as well as an excellent way to expand vocabulary.

Convierte estas palabras en sustantivos, clasificándolos según acaben en -eza o en -idad: generoso, raro, sincero, perezoso, solidario, íntegro, pobre, bello, triste, plural.

Turn these words into nouns, classifying them according to whether they end in -eza or -idad:












