How to order food in a Latin restaurant?

In the United States there are a wide variety of Latino restaurants and many of their hosts and servers speak English. But, a good idea is  if you are going to eat Latin food, you speak Spanish. Practice Spanish!

Here are some guidelines for you to order a delicious dinner for you and your family or friends, and also invite them to speak Spanish.

Pay close attention to courtesy with podría

Buenas tardes / Buenas noches
Good afternoon / Good night

¿Me podría mostrar el menú por favor?
Could you show me the menu please?

¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa?
What is the restaurant’s specialty?

¿Qué nos puede recomendar?
What do you recommend to me?

¿Qué bebidas tiene?
What drinks do you have?

¿Podría traernos la carta de postres? por favor
Could you bring us the dessert menu? please

¿Me podría traer la cuenta por favor?
Could you bring me the bill please?

Estuvo delicioso!
It was Delicious!



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