Every day we talk about everyday skills. We can do it and say which of them are easy or difficult for each one with different expressions, two of them are very useful and productive and we put them into practice in this exercise.
Say whether you find these things easy or difficult, answer it’s easy for me or it’s hard for me, me resulta fácil or me cuesta/n mucho:
Open a can of tuna with a can opener _____________
Abrir una lata de atún con un abrelatas_____________
Write with the right hand ________________
Escribir con la mano derecha______________
Prepare a very elaborate cooking dish___________
Preparar un plato de cocina muy elaborado___________
Open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew _____________
Abrir una botella de vino sin sacacorchos_____________
Drive a car______________
Conducir un coche______________