“Un poquito de esto, un chorrito de lo otro”. “Una pizquita, un santiamĂ©n”.
These measurements are not very precise, but it is common to hear them in Latin kitchens.🥄
In Spanish there are many measures that can mean different amounts, and in English too! The expression “just a pinch of pepper” (una pizca de pimienta), does not indicate whether it is asking for a milligram or a gram of pepper.
In the United States, the use of the Imperial System of units is common, while in Europe and Latin America, the International System is used.
In order not to get lost in the recipe, we write you the list of measures most used for cooking:
Tazas / Cups
Cucharadas / Tablespoons / Tbsp
Cucharaditas / teaspoons / tsp
Onzas / Ounces / oz
Onzas lĂquidas / Fluid ounces / fl oz
Litro / liter / l
Mililitros / milliliters / ml
Gramos /Grams
Libras / Pounds
¡Buen provecho!