En Perfecto Spanish
Here we are going to tell you about our experience teaching Spanish, living in the Hispanic world and being Latinas.
Hora Loca. Rawayana and Monsieur Periné
Music and lyrics to learn Spanish with rhythm…
When to use nouns ending in -eza and -dad
This little exercise unites two of our favorite vocabulary skills. One is to derive with suffixes and another is to identify opposites.
Dr. Jorge Palencia. Especialista en medicina antienvejecimiento
¿Sabías que las prácticas auditivas aumentan tu compresión del Español?That’s right, and in #PresentePerfecto we are going to give you
Useful Spanish phrases to use at the airport
¿Dónde está la parada de taxis?Where is the taxi stop?
How to learn Spanish fast?
Lee este artículo en español. It doesn’t matter your reasons to learn Spanish. New job abroad? A Latinamerican boyfriend/girlfriend? Good
El hotel del bosque
Podcast de Prácticas de Compresión OralNivel Intermedio y Nivel Avanzado. Hoy escuchamos: El hotel del bosque, un cuento de terror
Do you speak “portuñol” and want to talk in Spanish? Learn some tips here.
Lee este artículo en español / Leia este artigo em espanhol Did you know Spanish and Portuguese are 90% similar?
General Spanish or Professional Spanish Classes. Which Spanish program to choose?
Lee este artículo en español. Let’s see. You have already decided to open up to an experience that will change
Ready to speak Spanish and take a trip to our world?
Lee este artículo en Español It is the first day of classes, day 1, or even day 0 because it
The value of the saying in Spanish
Lee este artículo en Español If you like animals, this article is for you. But it is also the case
Guess guesser, the grammatical gender in Spanish
Lee este artículo en Español If you are a Spanish student, you may have asked yourself, or asked your teacher,
Reflection on reflexive verbs in Spanish
Lee este artículo en Español Yo me baño (I take a bath). Yo me aburro (I get bored). Yo me
The necessary emphasis of intonation in Spanish
This dress fits me yes or no! I don’t understand you. Lee este artículo en español In Spanish, as in