En Perfecto Spanish
Here we are going to tell you about our experience teaching Spanish, living in the Hispanic world and being Latinas.
Hora Loca. Rawayana and Monsieur Periné
Music and lyrics to learn Spanish with rhythm…
When to use nouns ending in -eza and -dad
This little exercise unites two of our favorite vocabulary skills. One is to derive with suffixes and another is to identify opposites.
Talking about things in the classroom
Find the odd man out in these groups of things which might be found in a Spanish classroom:
How to take a tour in a Hispanic country
There are many ways to travel: with the family, alone, backpacking, in a group, as a couple or without planning.
Talking about living abroad
Vivir en el extranjero. Check whether these things about living in a foreign country are positive or negative:
Expressions in subjunctive mode
It is nice when you show concern and empathy for others. Therefore, don’t forget to ask the person who you
Talking about hobbies
Match up the words to make hobbies. Jugar (to play) Escribir (to write) Ver (to watch) Cocinar (to cook) Ir
María Ángeles Cossini. Co-founder of the Alianza EIS
We chatted with María Ángeles Cossini, the Co-founder of the Alianza EIS (Eco international school), about the importance of learning
Reading in Spanish
Lee este artículo en español. We all know how reading can improve your Spanish. Your next challenge might be to
El elefante encadenado
Podcast de Prácticas de Compresión OralNivel Intermedio y Nivel Avanzado. 1 Antes de escuchar la historia busca en el diccionario el
8 Untranslatable Spanish Words
Lee este artículo en español. In Spanish we have many expressions and words that perfectly define some actions that do
Verbos y más verbos
Completa las frases con estos verbos usándolos en el tiempo y persona correctos:
Are you moving to Spain?
Lee este artículo en español. Are you thinking of moving to Spain? Yes, you will discover an amazing country. You