En Perfecto Spanish
Here we are going to tell you about our experience teaching Spanish, living in the Hispanic world and being Latinas.
Benefits of Learning Languages After 60
By Georgina Palencia. Leer en español.- Yesterday, Sheila Mcilnay, a passionate student whose enthusiasm was evident from her very first day at our school, wrote a beautiful review on Google that inspired me to write this article.
Beneficios de aprender lenguas después de los 60 años
Por Georgina Palencia. Read in english.- Ayer, Sheila Mcilnay, una estudiante apasionada y con un entusiasmo inocultable desde el primer día en nuestra escuela, escribió una crítica hermosa a través de Google que me motivó a escribir este artículo.
Venezuelan Christmas recipes to wake up the Hispanic chef in you
Leer en español National holidays and food definitely unite and identify us as a community wherever we are. About holidays
How to make a Christmas letter in Spanish?
There are countless ways to make a Christmas card for someone special. Whether physical or electronic, the most important thing
How does Christmas sound?
How does Christmas sound? In Venezuela, Christmas sounds like cuatro, maracas and tambora, the main instruments of traditional rhythms. In
Good wishes expressions in Spanish
The use of the subjunctive is almost exclusive to subordinate clauses, however there are few usages in independent clauses. One
Most common names and last names in Spanish
Nombres y apellidos españoles más comunes. Here are the initials of five Spanish people:
Hablemos del fuego
Taking about Fire Match up these concepts related to fire with their definition:
Countries and nationalities
Taking about Countries and nationalities Países y nacionalidades.
Papá Noel está borracho en el salón
Hoy escuchamos Papá Noel está borracho en el salón, un lamentable relato de relato de Santiago Roncagliolo. 1 Antes de escuchar
Países del mundo
Taking about Countries of the word. Match the countries with their capital cities: