En Perfecto Spanish
Here we are going to tell you about our experience teaching Spanish, living in the Hispanic world and being Latinas.
Hora Loca. Rawayana and Monsieur Periné
Music and lyrics to learn Spanish with rhythm…
When to use nouns ending in -eza and -dad
This little exercise unites two of our favorite vocabulary skills. One is to derive with suffixes and another is to identify opposites.
How to describe humor types in Spanish?
Complete the sentences with these words to do with humor: chistes, bromas, reírse, gracioso, cómico:
Tips for learning Spanish
There are lots of things you can do to learn Spanish. Say whether the following are muy útiles (very useful)
How to use pronoun “se”?
¿Sabías sobre el uso impersonal del pronombre “se”? “Se” is the pronoun with the most grammar applications in Spanish. We
How do you use adjectives with nouns in Spanish?
Adjectives agree with the noun in number and gender.
Agreement and disagreement Spanish expressions
Di qué expresiones se usan para mostrar acuerdo y cuáles desacuerdo.
How do you describe states of mind in Spanish?
Complete using the following words: aburrido, se enfadó, preocupado, cansado, sorprendido:
Verbs to start or interrupt an action in Spanish
Here are two verb construction: echarse a + infinitive (the sudden start of an action) and dejar de + infinitive
Physical descriptions in Spanish
Think whether these sentences are right (está bien) or wrong (está mal).
Ladrón de sábado
Hoy escuchamos: Ladrón de sábado, un cuento breve del gran novelista latinoamericano Gabriel García Márquez.
How to use SER y ESTAR in Spanish?
Completa las frases con los verbos ser o estar.
Young people Spanish Slams
Algunas de las expresiones propias de la jerga juvenil ya han sido aceptadas por la Real Academia de la Lengua
Spanish adjectives to describe personality
Descripción de personalidad Here are some adjectives describing personality, match up the opposites: