En Perfecto Spanish
Here we are going to tell you about our experience teaching Spanish, living in the Hispanic world and being Latinas.
Punto final, de Cristina Peri Rossi
Hoy escuchamos un fragmento del cuento: Punto final, de la escritora uruguaya Cristina Peri Rossi.
Writing New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
An Exercise in Clarity and Action By Georgina Palencia. Leer en español. The start of a new year is an excellent opportunity to set goals and work on personal growth. When learning Spanish, writing your New Year’s resolutions can become
When to use “saber” and “conocer” in Spanish
The use of the verbs SABER and CONOCER, even many times among them also the verb APRENDER, brings confusion; since
How are antonyms used in Spanish?
Situar en el espacio / Location in space One of the most useful ways to expand vocabulary that we recommend
Adjectives in Spanish to describe people
Descripción física It is true that in Spanish, we can use adjectives to describe multiple nouns. However, there are some
Express your love with these phrases in Spanish
El amor / Love The experience of love is a culturally determined field, because although all cultures feel love, not all
In the world of the subjunctive, there are many necessary practices, some very clear and others more confused because they
Ultimate tricks to boost your Spanish
By Lucía Rodríguez Leer en español As a good student, you are always trying to find new ideas to
Position of objects in a space
We asked our students to identify the position of objects in a space.
How to use the verb DESAYUNAR
DESAYUNO is the Spanish name for the first meal of the day and we also use the word as a
How to use preposition “a” in Spanish
In Spanish, the preposition “a” has different uses, and following some of those uses, it appears in a very curious
Did you know about the impersonal use of the pronoun “se”?
“Se” is the pronoun with the most grammar applications in Spanish. We use it to express: ✔ Reflexive verbs.
Cooking measurement conversion
A little bit of this, a dash of the other.” “A pinch, a jiffy.” 🧂 “Un poquito de esto, un