En Perfecto Spanish
Here we are going to tell you about our experience teaching Spanish, living in the Hispanic world and being Latinas.
Punto final, de Cristina Peri Rossi
Hoy escuchamos un fragmento del cuento: Punto final, de la escritora uruguaya Cristina Peri Rossi.
Writing New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
An Exercise in Clarity and Action By Georgina Palencia. Leer en español. The start of a new year is an excellent opportunity to set goals and work on personal growth. When learning Spanish, writing your New Year’s resolutions can become
Personal questions
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? -Bien, ¿y tú? Hello, How’s things? -Fine, and you? ¿Cómo te llamas? -Me llamo Georgina / -Soy
Grosería y grocery
It’s good to know… 💡When you are learning a new language, you will find some words that are written in
La araña pollito, de Horacio Quiroga
Hoy escuchamos: La araña pollito, un cuento poema, del gran Horacio Quiroga, dramaturgo y poeta uruguayo.
Self-Monitoring in Learning Spanish as a Second Language
Leer en español. By: Georgina Palencia. At Spanish Perfecto, learning a language is a personal journey, and one of the
Ambiguous articles
Is it EL mar o LA mar? Nouns in Spanish generally have feminine or masculine articles, but there are some
A imagen y semejanza, de Mario Benedetti
Hoy escuchamos: A imagen y semejanza, un cuento poema, del gran poeta uruguayo Mario Benedetti.
Spanish words to define an abstract or real concept
Cuáles de estas palabras hacen referencia a ideas abstractas y cuáles a ideas concretas:
The 64 meanings of the verb pass
Las 64 acepciones del verbo “pasar”. For INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED level.
How do you pronounce nationalities in Spanish?
In Spanish, gentilices are formed with a variety of suffixes.
Who is talking, parents or children?
Who say the following sentences, parents or children?
How the Spanish Language Shapes Perceptions of the World
Leer en español.- Language is more than a mere tool for communication; it shapes our thoughts, perceptions, and experiences. Speaking