Author: SpanishPerfecto
Tres leyendas latinoamericanas de terror 🎃
Hoy escuchamos tres leyendas de terror, no sólo para la noche de Halloween, también para escuchar en cualquier momento.
Halloween y celebraciones tradicionales latinoamericanas
Reed in english.- Por Lucía Rodríguez. Halloween, originario del Reino Unido, se ha vuelto muy popular en casi todo el mundo, incluida América Latina.
Halloween and traditional Latin American celebrations
Leer en español.- By Lucía Rodríguez. Halloween, originated in the United Kingdom, has become very popular almost all over the world including Latin America.
Myr Olivares Bonilla. Specialist in foreign languages and sexual orientation
“Educación bilingüe en sexualidad” (Bilingual sexuality education) seems like a new term, but it is not…
Registro de listas por asociación
La mejor estrategia de registro de vocabulario Por: Georgina Palencia Read in english Esta semana comencé de nuevo los cursos que enseño en el
Lists registry by association
The best vocabulary registration strategy By Georgina Palencia Lee este artículo en español This week I started again the courses I teach at the
El paraíso era un autobús
Hoy escuchamos: El paraíso era un autobús, un cuento del escritor español Juan José Millás.
No/ Rather than/ But: When do you use them in Spanish?
The differences in contrast between one expression and another are not always very clear, sometimes they are just nuances.
How do you express what you like in Spanish
The like expression in Spanish is very different from English. It is the basis for creating sentences with other verbs expressed in a similar way.
How to use Bien, Bueno y Buen in Spanish
Leer en español.- By Lucía Rodríguez. When beginner students must deal with the words “bueno/good” and “bien/well” in Spanish, they tend to be mixed up often.
Cómo usar Bien, Bueno y Buen en español
Read in english. Por Lucía Rodríguez. Cuando los estudiantes principiantes deben lidiar con las palabras “bueno / bueno” y “bien / bien” en español, tienden
How to use nouns ending in -eza- y -dad-
Some suffixes, whether on nouns or adjectives, are more productive than others. Also some are clearer than others.
Learn how to ask questions with prepositions
When we begin to learn to ask questions, we do it with interrogative pronouns, and only after a while we understand that these pronouns can
Where do you want to travel? Tell us in Spanish
The language of travel is very broad, rich, diverse and one of the most useful.