Is it EL mar o LA mar? 
Nouns in Spanish generally have feminine or masculine articles, but there are some nouns called ambiguous, which are not differentiated.
Nouns in Spanish generally have feminine or masculine articles, but there are some nouns called ambiguous, which are not differentiated.
They can be used interchangeably with the feminine or masculine article.
Some of them
El maratón – La maratón.
El lavavajillas – La lavavajillas.
El tilde – La tilde.
El enzima – La enzima.
El margen – La margen.
El sauna – La sauna.
La radio – el radio.
El hojaldre -la hojaldre.
El trípode – la trípode.
La azúcar – el azúcar.
La sartén – el sartén.
El apóstrofe – la apóstrofe.
El dote – la dote.
La interrogante – el interrogante.
Arte dramático – arte dramática.
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